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About Robin Smith, MFT

A native San Diegan, Robin has been in private practice for over 25 years. She earned a B.A. in Psychology (Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa) from the University of California, Irvine, and an M.S. in Counseling Psychology from Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon.  In private practice since 1998, Robin specializes in treating mood and anxiety disorders, OCD, life transition issues, womens issues, family communication problems, anger issues and stress.  Robin is a strong supporter of research-based science; She believes medications are sometimes needed to alleviate emotional suffering in addition to psychotherapy and mindfulness practice. She works closely with other physicians as a team when medication is needed. Recent developments in neurobiology have fueled her passion for merging science with talk therapy.  Robin firmly believes that no psychotherapy will truly be effective unless there are changes in the hardwiring of the brain which support reduction of suffering, and healthy emotional self-regulation.  Robin is thrilled to keep abreast of these trends!

Robin has been a mindfulness practitioner for the past 25 years. She is inspired by the work of mindfulness teachers such as Thich Nhat Hahn, Sharon Saltzberg, Tara Brach, Pema Chodron, Jack Kornfield, Rick Hansen, and Dan Siegel.  She considers herself blessed to have studied and trained with these senior mindfulness teachers and therapists.  While maintaining her specialties, she now considers herself a mindfulness-based psychotherapist. Her patients will receive the gift of connecting deeply and fully with their inner-experience, allowing their brains to return to a healthy self-regulated state.  This return to regulation allows for healing  and the ability to move through and behind suffering.  She works with children, adolescents and adults (but is not currently working with children under the age of 14 due to the Telehealth environment).

Robin has been a highly respected senior teacher of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for adults in the North San Diego area for the past 15 years. She considers herself fortunate to to be able to teach mindfulness, a practice that offers great potential for change in ways that are fully supported by brain science. Robin is the director of Deep Dive Mindfulness: Real Transformation,  which offers MBSR Classes, corporate mindfulness training and coaching, individual mindfulness training and coaching, relational mindfulness and other mindfulness classes. The demand for mindful solutions to life’s challenges leads many people to Robin for her expertise in teaching mindfulness in a variety of settings.

Robin has a variety of passions which ebb and flow with her inner compass.

They have included martial arts (she is a second degree black belt), professional modern dance performance, choreography, writing, riding horses, yoga, and fluid art.  She is grateful to be able to access her creative self through her mindfulness practice, and she fully believes  “without being fully present in this moment, you miss the opportunity for creative vision”. She has two adult children and a Shih Tzu dog, Daisy Dharma, who has been her in-office assistant for over 10 years.

Degrees and Memberships:

  • B.A. Psychology, U.C. Irvine (Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa)
  • M.S. Counseling Psychology, Lewis and Clark College (honors in research)
  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (California, 1990)
  • CAMFT member (California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists)
  • Facilitator: PQ Sitting Group (Sangha)
  • Member: Southern California MBSR teachers Sangh
  • Member: San Diego Mindfulness Based Psychotherapists Sangha